Wealthy Affiliate Review – Can Retirees Do This?

In this Wealthy Affiliate Review, we will see that “Affiliate Marketing” is the activity of promoting products and services online and receiving commissions when one of the visitors to your site buys something from a supplier with whom you have an affiliate arrangement.

Wealthy AffiliatesSo, Affiliate Marketing is basically a way to make money online.

“Hang on! Can I really make money online? Is this something that I can actually do?”

Of course you can! There are over 3 billion people on line right now and many of them will buy something in the next few days; you just need to know how to be in the right place at the right time to be a part of those billions of transactions. And Wealthy Affiliates certainly knows how to do that.

But for retirees, you probably want to dig a little deeper than this and find out things like:

  • How easy is it to be successful if you are not young anymore?
  • Do I have to be a technical wizard to make it work?
  • What’s it going to cost me to find out if this is for me?
  • Will I finish up working 80 hours a week on this?
  • Is help always available when I need it?

What Does It Cost?

Let’s get this one out of the way, right up front. You start out as a “Starter” member, and that’s totally free. They don’t even take your credit card number to bill you later – it’s simply free of charge and obligation.

You can stay on the free Starter level for ever, if you like. You certainly get access to enough of the training and functions of the system to make up your mind about it all, with no financial risk. Once you are happy that the system is going to work for you, you can upgrade to “Premium” membership, which opens up all the functions and advanced training. If you make the upgrade to Premium within 7 days of initially joining, you get a discounted price for your first month’s Premium fee: just $19.

After that, you pay $47 per month for as long as you want to stay. Once again, there is no “lock-in contract”, so you can opt out at any time.

Training That You Can Understand

Retirees can be a little daunted by having to learn new stuff. Sure; the idea of that can be a bit scary, but the way Wealthy Affiliates does it is amazing. The key points that are important in the way they approach this are as follows:

  • Everything is laid out in a structured sequence.
  • The pathway is very gentle – no steep gradients that “make you puff”.
  • It’s a combination of text to read on the screen and videos to watch.
  • Most importantly, you get to apply what you learn as you go along.
  • You can move at your own pace and all the while you are building your income potential!

Live, Friendly, Community Help

I have never seen anything like this before. So many times I have run into a small problem – something I did not quite understand. But right there (always) is the ability to ask a question of the whole community (literally millions of people!). And someone will answer very quickly with caring support and knowledgeable help.

Then, as you build up your own knowledge and skill, you begin to see new people asking questions that you know the answers to. It’s a real thrill to respond back to them and help them out in return for your receiving help earlier from other members of the community.

Technical Support Whenever You Need It

When you strike more serious technical issues, the tech people are also just a simple click away. And the few times I have had to use them, I have been very pleasantly surprised at the ease with which they handled it all. Very professional indeed.

Website Building and Management

As you have probably gathered, part of the process is the building of your very own website (maybe more than one). Now, although this can be a difficult process, it does not have to be. And, in the case of Wealthy Affiliates, they have taken all the hard parts away.

These guys have come up from scratch many years ago. They have built websites from scratch the old way, so they know how difficult this part can be. Consequently, they have built a process whereby all the difficult bits are handled by them. You just have to follow some simple instructions and it all falls into place.

If you know anything about online marketing, for instance, you will recognize the following things as being potentially “difficult”:

  • Finding and registering a domain name
  • Building a website for the new domain
  • Setting it up as a secure (HTTPS) site
  • Creating email accounts for the site
  • Adding and editing content – text and pictures

The above things (and more) are normally quite difficult to set up, but at Wealthy Affiliates, it’s all done for you. You just follow the simple instructions in setting everything up and the scary things are done automatically as you go along.

Claim Your Bonus

The neat thing is that, you can try it all out with no financial commitment, but if you can make up your mind within 7 days that you like it, you can upgrade to Premium Membership and gain a whole lot of bonus material.

  • Your first month is just $19.
  • You get full access to an amazing range of training programs from structured lesson plans, to webinars and an enormous library of videos that have been generated over the years by experts.
  • You will also get the Diamond Traffic Program for free. This awesome facility will blow your mind.

The Net of All This

In terms of setting up some sort of ongoing income for retirees, here are some important points – all of which are handled beautifully by Wealthy Affiliates:

  • An income stream that can be built up over time and that will persist without too much additional attention.
  • An easy learning curve and simple instructions on how to set it all up.
  • An activity that can be set up without overwhelming your current lifestyle.
  • An activity that is not only easy to manage, but is exciting and interesting – even challenging! Remember, you need to keep those little gray cells firing efficiently to ensure your life continues with vigor and satisfaction.

So, go check it out and see what you thinkWealthy Affiliates


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